IT Placement Cell

IT Placement Cell

The Cell coordinates all the Training and Placement activities of Smt. Kundanben Dinsha Patel Department of Information Technology CSPIT, Charusat University and enhances Industry Institute Interaction. Exposure to good work culture at the beginning of the students' professional life guarantees success in all their endeavors. In training and Placement cell, provide students with the best avenues to utilize their skills by helping them find gainful employment with the best firms. So the main idea behind IT Placement Cell is to provide various placement related information to the students of the Charusat University.

So behalf of IT Placement Cell they give us opportunity to develop the Android Application for the cell which represent all the activity of the placement cell to the students and other peoples.

IT Placement Cell Android App

Here in the IT Placement Cell can represents the current placement activities of the Smt. Kundanben Dinsha Patel Department of Information Technology CSPIT, Charusat University.

It provides all placement interested student information and management. It also provides the placed students information and management. This app is showing all the current and previous activities of the IT Placement Cell. It is mainly developed for Charusat Students to get in touch with IT placement Cell for best company placement information. 

There is in this application there are main 3 features:

  1. placement interested student information
  2. placed student information
  3. Display the placement cell Status

Flow Chart Application:

Basically App has been decided in two different modules:

Admin Module: Here in this module Admin has all the rights of the App management. 
User Module: In user module users have to see all the information and activities which are handling by placement cell

Here is the app structure that gives brief about how app actually working:

Here is the component graph of our app working so basically user has two choice to enter into the app 1st as normal user in which user able to see how many students are interested in to campus placement with their detail information. And user also see that how many students are placed in companies and in which company they placed with how much package. User also able to see the analysis graph of placed student and interested students.

In 2nd is login option but it is only available for authorized users from the login user is able to manage the students information. Here in this if any student is placed in any company user is able to enter company name and package offered to that student and also able to manage other information of students.

So from given in graph for to login option we have used Firebase Authentication. Firebase Authentication provides back-end services, easy-to-use SDKs, and ready-made UI libraries to authenticate users to our app. It supports authentication using passwords, phone numbers, popular federated identity providers like Google, Facebook and Twitter, and more.

For to store all information of students we used google spread-sheet. And for that we develop one API which is provide secure connection between our Android app and our spread-sheet database. So for development of API we used google Apps-script. Google Apps Script is a rapid application development platform that makes it fast and easy to create business applications that integrate with Google Workspace. We write code in modern JavaScript and have access to built-in libraries for favorite Google Workspace applications like Gmail, Calendar, Spread Sheet and more.

