App Design

 “Content precedes design. Design in the absence of content is not design, it's decoration.”

—Jeffrey Zeldman

Basically the Graphic Designing has 2 parts:

1. User Interface (UI)
2.  User Experience (UX)

For the basic difference between UI and UX lets take one small example, we have one playing dice here in the playing dice the structure of dice is that the dice shape in 2D is square and in 3D it is cube and every side of dice has dots on it. so this is the UX of the Playing dice. Now the dice color, dots color, corner radius are the UI of the playing dice. So from the example we see that without UI and UX both there is no meaning of graphic design.

So for starting the development of the project, first task to develop very good, attractive, easy in use and effective design. And before that we have to develop basic structure of  our project design. So the structure of our project is:

Now when our structure is finalize after discussion with the team second task is to design the UI for the App with 
Typography, Content, Colour scheme, Buttons, Composition, Imagery, Shape, Icons, Look & Feel, Hierarchy of the Content, Structure & Grids, Platform & Screen size which attracts the users and give the best experience to our users.

UI Design is:

UI Design of Our App:
