
IT Placement Cell

IT Placement Cell The Cell coordinates all the Training and Placement activities of  Smt. Kundanben Dinsha Patel Department of Information Technology   CSPIT, Charusat   University and enhances Industry Institute Interaction.  Exposure to good work culture at the beginning of the students' professional life guarantees success in all their endeavors. In training and Placement cell, provide students with the best avenues to utilize their skills by helping them find gainful employment with the best firms.  So the main idea behind IT Placement Cell is to provide various placement related information to the students of the Charusat University . So behalf of IT Placement Cell they give us opportunity to develop the Android Application for the cell which represent all the activity of the placement cell to the students and other peoples. IT Placement Cell Android App Here in the IT Placement Cell can represents the current placement activities of the  Smt. Kundanben Dinsha Patel Department